mountaincutters, Incomplete Venus, 2022, blown-glass, brass, 205x85x75cm
mountaincutters, Incomplete Venus, 2022, blown-glass, brass, 205x85x75cm

mountaincutters is a hybrid identity, an artist duo born in 1990, currently based in Brussels. They graduated from ESADMM (Marseille) in 2014, their main practice unfolds site-specific installations and sculpture. Between 2016 and 2017, they had exhibitions and residencies in France and Belgium (STRT KIT, Air Antwerpen, Studio Start, Extra-City Kunsthal in Antwerp, 61st Salon de Montrouge in Paris, CAB Foundation in Brussels). 

mountaincutter’s practice inquires into the nature-technology binomial through hybrid concepts situated between geology, landscape and gesture. Creating mainly site-specific and site-sensitive installations, their work echoes a seemingly theatrical and obsolete landscape. Materials such as steel, ceramic, glass, found objects, debris and rotten textile coagulate imperfect shapes, absent bodies and organig prostheses. Permeating an Arte Povera drift, the sculptures embody the dissolution of the matter as it occurs in the current object-capital logic.

Selected solo exhibitions: Mondes multiples (2022): Centre d’Art Neuchâtel, CH; Suprainfinit Gallery, Bucarest, RO;  Centre d’Art Bastille, Grenoble, FR; Les indices de la respiration primitive (2021), La Verrière-Fondation d’entreprise Hermès, curated by Guillaume Desanges, Brussels, BE; The holes will be filled again (2021), Middelheim Museum, YOUNG ARTIST FUND 2021, trio with Maika Garnica et Mostafa Saifi Rahmouni, Peter boons curator Middelheimmuseum, Antwerp, BE; Objets-Horizons (2021), Art-O-Rama, Friche de la belle de mai, marseille, FR; Du moins côte à côte, centre d’art la médiatine (2021), Magma-10ème Triennale, Ottignies/Louvain-La-Neuve, duo with jot fau, brussels, BE; Du pouce jusqu’à l’auricluaire (2021), centre d’art espace croisé, roubaix, fr; Le sens du sol (2020), 29ème édition L'Art dans les Chapelles, Chapelle Saint-Meldéoc, Guern; Drie Handen (2020), en duo avec Jot Fau, Encore, Bruxelles; Anatomie d'un corps absent (2019), Le Creux De L'Enfer, Thiers; Equation du vent zéro (2019), Chapelle des Jésuites, ESBAN Nîmes; Asphyxie fonctionnelle (2019), Le Papillon, Musée du Vieux, Nîmes; Les morceaux de paysages enrayaient l’appareil corps (2019), Centre de Céramique Contemporain, La Borne; SPOLIA (Généalogies fictives) Guillaume Désanges et mountaincutters (2018), Grand Café de Saint-Nazaire; Situare II (2018), WONDER, PARIS; Perception model (2018), BRDG Antwerpen, Antwerp; Becoming Ground (2015), IDK Contemporary and Ping Pong Gallery, Brussels; Heures-Reliefs (2014), galerie Art-Cade des Grands Bains Douches de la plaine,  Marseille; Concrétions, Project Room (2014), galerie Gourvennec Ogor, Prix ESADMM 2014,  Marseille

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